
Aug 5 - Aug 14

That is when I think I am going to be home this summer. Darcy.....Chris' wedding is on Aug 6th right?? I am planning on getting in on Friday (the 5th) evening and then hopefully going out to dinner with my mom and who ever else wants to join. Then Sat hopefully I'll be going to a wedding if I get invited, if not I'm gonna get drunk with whoever else wasn't invited and then crash the reception. After this day until the 14th I have absolutely no plans. So we can figure out the tournament date then. As for the draft, I think that we wait until the night before we play. This way no one gets and unfair advantage practicing with their team more than someone else (Darcy).

So I purpose that we all go to a bar and have the draft over a bunch of pints (maybe Jake's eh Donnie). Also I think that we should pick all 12 players...cause you never know when one of you're boys in gonna get hurt. If you haven't noticed I'm trying to incorporate drinking into all my vacation events.

One last thing...if anyone can make it out here for Stampede then start planning. My company has some of the biggest Stampede events here in Calgary. The biggest is:

•First Rodeo (a private rodeo) - where we (me and my boys) compete against other teams in actual rodeo events, like herding calfs and chuck wagon races. AND we're fed free booze before you do it.

All you need to do is find a cheap ticket out here, I'll take care of the rest.


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