

I don't really remember much from basketball camp so I am not sure why you guys thought I should have won MVP? Of course I have no idea why Guy smiley got it, he was horrible. I do remember Matt placing the rub on his johnson, being in agony and then getting kicked out of Dales drill, hilarious. I also don't remember winning but if trevor says we did then we did, I probably have the medal somewhere - who did we play in the finals? Was that the year that sauce's team was horrible? Did he go that year?. Having dale as our coach was the best part, especially since trevor and I were the only decent players (I seem to remember having a decent point gaurd as well no idea who though). If I recall correctly I did the same move over and over again - drive to the baseline, cut to the net, get fouled/score/miss and get rebound/get rejected/miss horrible and get subbed off.... rinse and repeat. We should get some ball in at christmas. I haven't played since the summer and get almost no physical activity, have no muscle, and sweat almost as much as allas's ass. I'll bring the head band and tight ass jazz jersey if I can find it.
Boards! Boards!

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