

That totally wasnt funny... I didnt get my bake on, but I imagine it still wouldnt be funny :)

Ok, I've been totally addicted to this lately ( http://deathball.net/notpron ).... has any one played these browser games yet? They are Fuuuuuuuuuucked.

I leave for tour in less than 3 weeks. I am going to miss my bed, my computer, normal food, halifax, mikes cats, my gf, sex with my gf, HJ BJ combos from my gf, my computer, photoshop cs, flash mx, myspace, this blog... BUT, I'll be in amazing cities... boston, NY, providence, chicago, detroit, st louis, columbia, philly, virginia beach, albuquerque, jacksonville, tampa bay, laredo, LA, jackson, san diego, santa cruz, seatle, olympia, vancouver, calgary, edmonton, regina, winnipeg, montreal, toronto, ottawa... there are more cities, but those are the important ones :) At one point, we drive from Philly to Albuquerque new mexico, then after that show, we have a show in LA which is 17 hrs away.. its gonna be tight.


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