

Ed was too slow... he should loose. I should win the xbox.

Pictures from tour...
Post 4th of July party we played at in Long Island.
playing in the water in Renondo Beach, Cali.
Beach in Corpus Cristi, Tx.
The Trainor Crank and I in Cali.
RB and friends outside the Amittyville Horror house.
RB and Golden Gate bridge, San Francisco.
Trainor and I being gay in Daytona Beach.
Me climbing a palm tree in New Orleans pre-Katrina.
Scarthy and I Bourbon St, New Orleans.
RB at the bottom of the big Arch in St Louis.
Times Square.
Hurricane Harbor, Dallas, Tx.
The Big Arch thing in St Louis.

We are worthless

My blog is worth $0.00.