
Gym rats..

Hello all gym rats. Nobody comes on here anymore, so I feel that this post is almost as pointless as throwing a baseball into space and trying to hit a planet(maybe a bit to strong of a physics reference/joke there).

Anyway, a little up date on my life out here.

• Broke up with girlfriend
• Currently moving into new spot (getting all new stuff - ie. furniture)
• Spent last weekend Drunk out of my mind on Rum with Phil Connolly and Mike Rankin way too many stories to explain on here.
• Trying not to lose all my money as markets take a little swing down.
• Haven't heard from the following in a long time: Darcy, Ed, JD.

Finally, Grza came thru Calgary, called me and I got him (and all his boys) sweet tickets for the Stamps game then he ditches and doesn't call me back. Haven't spoken to him since. No worries I got love, do your thing Grza.

Trev - I somewhat remember talking to ya....gimmie a holla holla holla holla holla holla holla holla holla sometime - when I'm sober.



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