

Ok I got to go to soccer. I get in the car with BoBo (aka Boris Samu) and I look at my phone....6 Missed Calls?? WHAT? Oh yeah I forgot I'm the 'Chart Man' ....which when translated from Investment Banker lingo to english means 'Bitch with Large asshole for fucking repeatedly with large non-symetrical object'. So I get to work (in my soccer stuff still sweating) and the guy above me the 'associate' (i'm an analyst) who's title really means 'I've been fucked very hard for at least two years of my life and now I just get fucked gently'....so back to the story...he tells me yeah those charts are perfect but we need more history....like 10 years more....which means it took me like 12 hours to do 5 years ..so that means 24hrs of work....wait I have just received an email that says it has to be done in 4....great.

Other than getting fucked in the ass hard on a daily basis, there are some good things about my job, such as:

• I don't pay for food casue I expense every meal I eat (I haven't gone grocery shopping in like a month)
• I don't pay for liquor at the bar cause I'm usually there with ppl from work and the highest level guy always has to pay, I AM THE LOWEST.
• oh yeah there's one other thing......yeah MONEY!!

I enjoy complaining about things.....and I enjoy having money to blow on stupid shit. Speaking of which....J when and if you make it threw Calgary...I bought a skateboard yesterday....it's sweet. And there is a 24hr concrete skate park downtown...prob about 10 walk from my house. I went last night and there are three different areas for different levels of skill.....i was in the basic area getting fucked up by like 8 yr olds doing kickflips into noseslides.....I'm just gonna cruse around my hood late at night.

FREEDOM 35..........

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